Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Darn you, Australia!!!

     I am an admitted lover of tennis.  Current favorite player: Rafael Nadal.  I'm in the minority on this in my house.  My mom loves Federer, and my sister has decided to pick my player's main opposition, Djokovic. 
     The Australian Open was played over the past two weeks, ending on Sunday.  Well, Monday actually.  They're twenty hours ahead of where I live, and all of the big matches are played at night.  Unfortunately, that means that I've been living on East Australia Time for the past week.  The mens' final was an amazing marathon, that I stayed up for.  The whole thing.  Went to bed at 6:30 yesterday morning. 
     What's the point, you ask?  The point is that it's currently 3:57, and I'm wide awake.  Good time to work, I guess.  Re-editing what will probably be my next book on Kindle.  It's been a while since I last read it.  Has needed just a few little tweaks here and there.  It always surprises me when I find spelling mistakes.  I mean, between first draft, all the edits, me and my sister, it's amazing that there are still bad words.  The other bad thing (besides the time, I mean) is that I just headed into the climax of the book.  Looks like I'll be up a while longer.
     So, I poured myself a little more soda (decaf), and finished my ice cream break.  Time to get back to work.
     Speaking of ice cream and soda:  I really need to give the stuff up.  I've had enough persistent health issues without filling my body with junk.  February 1st seems like a good day to clean up my act.  Gives me a little time to put encouraging sticky notes everywhere and say goodbye to Diet Mountain Dew and things like brownies.  Just hope I don't go too overboard.  :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Big gap, and author interview

     Yeah, it's been a little while.  Too long, really.  It's been a rough year, and it's not even February yet.  Anyway, things are looking up!  My author interview got posted today, on my birthday, no less!  http://jeanzbookreadnreview.blogspot.com/2012/01/author-interview-kirsten-zeller.html
Too cool!!  Hoping it will boost my sales a little, maybe get me some new followers on my blog and facebook pages. 
      Just finished putting the little edits into my second book.  I'm going to try sending it to some agents, but it will be just fine if no one picks it up.  I'm kinda funny I guess.  I love that my book is on Kindle, but I still want to be published traditionally.  Something about walking into a book store and seeing it there on the shelf.  I dunno.  Anyway, tallied up my words today and found out it's pretty short.  Might be too short for most publishers, so I won't get my hopes up.  Got a title.  Now I just have to come up with a cover.  Could be tough.
     Well, look for more posts, hopefully on a fairly regular basis.  Again, sorry about the gap.  Talk to ya later!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm live!!!!

Loaded the book last night; they loaded it this morning.  YAY!!!!!  So excited.  It's free to Amazon Prime members from the 6th to the 10th.  Please leave a review.  Good ones are awesome; intelligent critiques are just fine.  Part of my job is to learn where my weaknesses are and work on them; part of your job is to point them out.  ;)


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Squeezing things in, the last week of the year

     Apparently, my family had some bad luck stored up at the end of last year.  Knowing that it was running out of time, 2011 decided to have my dad hit a moose, my mom get stuck in a driveway and scrape the side of her car on a tree, and kill the transmission in my sister's car.  Nice.  Actually, it started when that employee gave me his cold as a Christmas present.  *sigh*  Such is life, I guess.
     Slaved for days over my book, editing and re-editing.  When it was formatted, my double spacing between sentences turned into single spacing.  I'm a double space kinda girl, so I spent about, oh, six hours doing that.  Stayed up until four on a couple of days to get the sucker knocked out, then passed it to my sister for a final final edit.  She did that all of yesterday, so yippee, we're done.  Except ...
     We sent the book to my sister's kindle last night and found a few interesting things.  The website I had been editing on uses a format that's slightly wider than the kindle's.  My dedication lines were too wide, resulting in a bit of strange rearranging.  I also have some blank pages here and there at the end of chapters.  Hmmm ...  No idea how to fix that.  Sent an email; hopefully the format gurus will get back to me soon with a solution. 
     Other than that, it looks great.  The cover is a little dark on my sister's black and white kindle screen, but it still looks good.  I'm sure it will look awesome for those of you who have color.  Anyway, if things go well, I'll be uploading to Amazon at the end of the week.  I'll let ya know when it's out.